Tuesday 5 August 2014


The setting for anything from joyous celebrations to intense team-talks, the team bus – much like the dressing room – is usually a very private place. However, Nigeria captain Patience Okaeme invited us on board for a fascinating insight to her side’s preparations for the FIFA U-20 Women’s World Cup Canada 2014.

“We don’t normally listen to music on the bus or in the changing room before games, but we do sing,” said Okaeme with a broad smile, before revealing the identity of the team’s number one chanteuse: “Sarah (Nnodim) is the best out of all of us. We follow her, we clap along and we dance. It’s fun.”

With Nigeria about to play their opening game at Canada 2014, coach Peter Dedevbo and his charges are finalising their preparations, and the aforementioned bus is headed straight for the training ground, where the Super Falconets will undergo their second practice session of the day.

Today there is no singing or dancing, only a silence broken by the occasional whispered conversation.

 Dedevbo’s players are clearly saving their strength for Wednesday’s Group C clash with Mexico.
“Our preparations for the tournament have been tough because we’re training twice a day,” said the skipper. “That’s what we were doing in Nigeria, and we’ve carried on here. I’m sure it’s going to help us when the competition starts.” courtesy FIFA.COM

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